Окончание игры
Game summary: Shots: 47-44 ; Shots on goal: 23-27 ; Goals: 3-2 ; Faceoffs won: 21-26 ; Blocked shots: 2-4 ; Hits: 21-14 ; Foul against: 3-2 ; Penalty in minutes: 6-36
Saves on 3rd: Bespalov 2, Zapolski 8.
Stats of 3rd period: Shots: 7-17 ; Shots on goal: 3-10 ; Goals: 1-2 ; Faceoffs won: 4-12 ; Blocked shots: 0-2 ; Hits: 2-2 ; Foul against: 1-2 ; Penalty in minutes: 4-32
Окончание 3 периода
Замена вратаря. Йокерит: 30. Заполски Райан. Спартак: без вратаря.
Two minutes remaining of the 3rd period.
Замена вратаря. Йокерит: 30. Заполски Райан. Спартак: 31. Беспалов Никита.
Spartak has 6 on 4 on the ice. And they score.
Замена вратаря. Йокерит: 30. Заполски Райан. Спартак: без вратаря.
Таймаут. Спартак.
Удаление. Йокерит. 2. Риссанен Расмус 2 мин. Задержка руками
Spartak put pressure to Jokerit end. Jokerit holds so far.
Provolnev shoots, Zapolski's save starts to be a gamesaver.
Joensuu shoots to the crossbar.
Bobylev from the line, Zapolski catches that one.
Bondarev probably gave his opinion again of his penalty and got to go to the shower.
Удаление. Спартак. 9. Бондарев Алексей 20 мин. Дисциплинарный штраф до конца игры
Genoway from the line, 3-1.
Jokerit is playing power play and Spartak had 4 on 3 offence. Luckily Zapolski saved that one.
Bondarev's two minute penalty is served by 47 Bobylev.
Удаление. Спартак. 9. Бондарев Алексей 10 мин. Дисциплинарный штраф
Удаление. Спартак. 9. Бондарев Алексей 2 мин. Задержка руками
Jokerit need to get some spirit if they want to win this game. At the moment it looks like Spartak is steering this game.
Teams at full strength.
Högström shoots from the line, Zapolski barely saves.
Удаление. Йокерит. 32. Кулда Артурс 2 мин. Подножка
Jaakola's shot saved by Bespalov.
Gilroy "shoots" from the redline, Zapolski needs to close the puck. Spartak came to this period with more energy and Jokerit is in the trouble.
Lame playing by Jokerit and Spartak scored.
Начало 3 периода
Saves on second period: Bespalov 8, Zapolski 10.
Stats of 2nd period: Shots: 18-19 ; Shots on goal: 9-10 ; Goals: 1-0 ; Faceoffs won: 8-8 ; Blocked shots: 2-0 ; Hits: 11-5 ; Foul against: 0-0 ; Penalty in minutes: 0-0
Окончание 2 периода
One minute remaining of the 2nd period.
Talaja all alone with Bespalov, can't lift the puck into the net.
Jokerit players couldn't get to change and they were like two minutes on the ice. Somehow tired were they.
Radil shoots, stops to someone's legs.
Marko Anttila scores. 2-0.
Rissanen's third shot goes towards the goal, Bespalov catches that one.
Rissanen shoots, twice, wide and high.
Talaja steals the puck in the corner and now Jokerit gets some pressure.
Jormakka shoots, doesn't go all the way to the net.
Provolnev gets a good shot, Zapolski holds.
There hasn't been too much to report from the second period so far.
Salminen on breakthrough, can't score.
Radil shoots, Zapolski saves to fishnets.
Anttila checks Gilroy.
Kind of coast to coast hockey at the moment...
Genoway shoots, wide. Chay shoots a lot today.
Начало 2 периода
Saves on first period: Bespalov 10, Zapolski 7.
Stats of 1st period: Shots: 22-8 ; Shots on goal: 11-7 ; Goals: 1-0 ; Faceoffs won: 9-6 ; Blocked shots: 0-2 ; Hits: 8-7 ; Foul against: 2-0 ; Penalty in minutes: 2-4
Окончание 1 периода
One minute remaining of the 1st period.
Teams at full strength.
Jormakka had a spot to score but decided to pass...
Gymer in playing pp, made a good shot.
Удаление. Спартак. 4. Хёгстрём Маркус 2 мин. Атака игрока, не владеющего шайбой
Genoway shoots after nice pass from Joensuu. Bespalov saves.
Teams at full strength.
So far Spartak's pp hasn't been too good. Finally they got the pp going.
Jokerit team penalty is served by 29 Sakari Salminen.
Удаление. Йокерит. Командный штраф 2 мин. Нарушение численного состава
Li from the close range, Zapolski saves.
So far it's been Jokerit who's controlling the game.
Teams are at full strength.
There is a big crowd of Spartak fans in the Arena and they are making good noise.
Jaakola shoots from the blueline, Bespalov needs to close the puck.
Удаление. Спартак. 4. Хёгстрём Маркус 2 мин. Задержка руками
Lajunen from the line, blocked.
Regin swipes snow off from the puck, good chance to score had he.
Genoway shoots again, Bespalov saves this time.
Genoway scores.
Puck was in the Spartak net already, but the game had been stopped before that.
Начало 1 периода
В воротах:
30. Заполски Райан (Йокерит).
31. Беспалов Никита (Спартак).
Начало игры
National anthems have been heard, game starts soon.
Teams will start the game with following line ups:
Spartak: GK Bespalov, LD Högström, RD Gilroy, LW Leshhenko, C Stoa, RW Radil
Jokerit: GK Zapolski, LD Kulda, RD Genoway, LW Joensuu, C Regin, RW O'Neill
Jokerit has visitors from Moscow and the visiting team is Spartak. Welcome!